Sunday, April 26, 2009

Eric Margolis writes about torture and rendition, about the CIA, about interrogation techniques learned long ago in the shadowy rooms where men of power brokered their sad arrangements. I know what it is to be tortured, and it saddens me to think that people would endorse more of the same. This is what I have to show for all the years of my life- an apathetic populace and some gutsy warriors of the dawn. Would that it comes soon, lest we kill off our deepest passion in the darkness. Would that the dawn comes.

To all those who have written, demonstrated, given of the breath from your lungs, and opened up your veins, god fearing or godless, my heart brims for all of you. I love you all. Salt of the earth, blood of our common blood, unveilers of mysterious, the great and the humble, the silent knights of a game in which only shadows flit at opposite sides of the board.

I love you, and have no other way to repay you with anything but my humbled humility.

I kneel at your feet.

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