Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hold accountable those involved in U.S. torture

Last week, I told The Pantagraph that I had changed my mind about a letter to the editor and did not want it published. I was a coward. I felt that the letter might hurt my business.

I cannot be a coward on the following issue. Those people who ordered torture and carried it out in the name of the American people, must be held accountable.

If we sweep this grisly event under the rug, then we will repeat it again and again whenever we find an excuse to do so. We are not just talking about the people who gave the orders, although, what they did in our name was reprehensible, we are talking about our good name, our way of life and our respect for what is right. We are talking about the law!

If we don't investigate the whys and wherefores of U.S. use of torture, then how can we hold anyone responsible for any wrongdoing of any kind?

The United States of America, which I have been blessed with being born a citizen of, does not torture, does not stand for those who support torture to go unjudged, does not disobey the laws of the land and, when a wrong is done, it does not sweep the wrong under the rug because it might embarrass a previous administration.

If we do not investigate the use of torture, then we condone it and will allow it to be used again. This is not my America!

Belinda Johnson


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