Friday, July 31, 2009


Saving the Bankers With a Make-Believe War
Written by Peter Chamberlin

Pakistanis and Americans have a common problem, which is also shared by every other country on the planet–corruption in high places. The world is made to fret over the impending loss of the entire capitalist system by the overlords of the Western media, even though, the only loss for the common man will be the chains that bind him. We are all supposed to be grieving deeply for the collapse of the money system which has made so many people rich, people whom the media tells us we all want to be just like.

The media, no matter how hard it keeps from telling the truth and how much it twists and deforms the facts to fit the official spin set by Washington, cannot snuff-out all the tiny lights of awareness that are springing-up all over the world. Washington and Islamabad have both tightly controlled their national media, never allowing the cutting truth, or trouble-making bearers of explosive truth the print space or air time in the “legitimate press.” No one is allowed to rock the looters’ boats as they struggle to transfer their ill-gotten treasures to shore before they too lose everything in the coming collapse.

The Western media leads popular opinion to sympathize with the struggling corporate raiders, in order to help orchestrate the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. The media portrays the “war of terror” as a great struggle to save civilization, even though true “civilization” (the liberation of every soul through universal human rights) has not yet evolved. The media’s one purpose it to try to encourage the “free world” to sacrifice its children in a senseless struggle to preserve the destructive forces that have made the destruction of the old order inevitable.

Emergency measures, both economic and military, have been forced upon us, to carry on a war that is destroying both freedom and democracy, while maintaining the fiction that the war defends both. The media whips popular opinion into a frenzy to build patriotic blood-lust within the mob and the desire to kill millions of strangers for crimes that our leaders swear they fully intend to commit. The Western media and the Pakistani media, like the governments which they serve, are pushing the people to a fatal war, seeking to outrun the rising mob that wants the leaders’ heads.

We have glimpsed the truth about our leaders, and our knowledge is frightening them to death. The “good old boy” network that dominates in every country (and cumulatively controls the world) lives on borrowed time, as the power of the people is a building tsunami of change which is barreling down upon them. This is a secret that, for them, must remain hidden from the silent majority. The people are breathing down their necks and they are running scared, head-on into a great wall of their own making.

Pakistan is the great wall. The empire’s dreams, as always, are about to be shattered in Waziristan. It is not that the Army is about to suddenly develop a collective spine and stand-up for the Pakistani people against the American aggression; it is that the people themselves, who are fed-up with the games and lies and are ready to hold the Army responsible for all military attacks in the tribal regions. No matter how much they might complain about American airstrikes in Pakistan, it is all for show. The American attacks are driving Pakistan’s war choices, contrary to the will of the Pakistani people. The Army will eventually fight on America’s terms, if they want to have a seat at America’s “victory” banquet, after seizing everyone’s everything. They have all grown quite wealthy at your expense.

Smiling demonic faces sold us all a bill of goods, as we were drawn into a make-believe battle to “save civilization” from the savages, never bothering to describe the mission, or tell us how they would accomplish it, and at what cost. No one told you that Pakistan’s choice had been made for it, to destroy Pakistan, in order to save it, just like in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Every aspect of this new war has two dimensions—the official media version of events and the buried truth. If the government or the media ever merges the two conflicting dimensions and the paradox is revealed, then the war effort will collapse, as the criminal conspirators will have their cover blown. Somewhere, just below the surface, most people suspect that the truth about the war remains hidden from us. It is the responsibility of the true research journalists to confirm people’s suspicions about the war and the empire, by revealing the hidden truths.

As long as the American and Pakistani people are willing to play-along and pretend that a bunch of “stirred-up Muslims” are capable of destroying the world, or even just one important country, like Pakistan, then the game can go on and the empire builders can continue to lay their foundations for a world united in permanent limited war. The empire of the smiling faces must be brought to an end, by exposing the hollow rhetoric that drives this war.

It is not civilization itself that is in danger of collapsing; it is the parasitic system of international financing, which feeds-off both the civilized world and the developing world, which is in danger of destruction, a danger that the smiling face parasites created by their own greed. We have been tricked into entering into a full-blown world war to save the bankers and the network of cronyism that gives them their ultimate power.

The bankers’ system is not endangered by wild “Islamists” in any way; it is enriched by the expanding resource wars made possible by their destabilizing actions. It is not enough that the bankers and their minions have raped trillions out of the pockets of the American taxpayers, now they must also have the trillions, or quadrillions of energy bucks represented by the vast resources of south-central Asia, Africa and S. America.

America is not in any danger that its leaders have not created themselves, just as Pakistan is not in any danger other than that manufactured by its own military government, while serving America’s will. The only real danger we face is from our own dangerous leaders, just as the only real danger faced by our elitist leaders is that which emanates from the people becoming aware of their plans and beginning to offer stiff resistance to the idea of shipping their sons and daughters away to be abused by the military and then sent-off to kill or die in the latest resource wars.

The funny thing about resources, is that they will always be available to those who want them. Obtaining these resources only requires money, a lot less than that which is currently being spent by our government in its attempt to take the natural resources from others. We are not waging war in the gas and oil regions of the world for the right to purchase their products (we can already do that); we are fighting to own that which is not ours.

Stop your sons and daughters from serving in this bankers’ war. Convince them to serve their own countries, not the evil smiling parasites that have taken over all countries and brought the world to ruin.

It’s time for the world revolution.

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