Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The abstinence study that I posted yesterday has spiralled all over the web. Here's a user comment on it, that I really agreed with, on Gawker:

The most interesting paragraph, in my opinion.

"Over the next two years, about 33 percent of the students who went through the abstinence program started having sex, compared to about 52 percent who were just taught safe sex. About 42 percent of the students who went through the comprehensive program started having sex, and about 47 percent of those who just learned about other ways to be healthy. The abstinence program had no negative effects on condom use, which has been a major criticism of the abstinence approach."

So the kids who weren't taught abstinence had more sex than those who weren't taught anything? In other words, teaching sex ed without teaching abstinence is an incitement to have sex.

And teaching abstinence-only had no impact on condom use?


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