Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yay, Dennis :) One of my favourite voices in America.

Dennis Kucinich is on a mission! The Ohio representative recently introduced three bills into congress that would protect consumers against genetically modified organisms(GMOs).

Kucinich proposed the legislation shortly after the Supreme Court allowed the planting of an experimental genetically modified alfalfa seed without any environmental review.

In a statement, Dennis expressed his frustration about the ruling, saying:

“Today the Supreme Court ruled that when it comes to genetically modified organisms, we as consumers, have to wait until the damage is done and obvious, before we can act to protect health and the environment, even if that damage could be irreversible.”

If passed, Kucinich’s bills would set stricter guidelines for companies using GMOs, including mandatory labeling of such products.

We’re with Kucinich on this one. Keep those gross GMOs away from us!

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