Saturday, June 6, 2009

More More More

I did some digging around and found this fairly informative, newsy update from the RESPECT party in the UK, for whom I have always had a deep and humbling admiration.

Crisis at Westminster: Respect to broaden challenge at General Election

by Clive Searle, Respect national secretary

There is a political earthquake shaking Westminster politics. MPs of all the main parties have been found with the snouts in the trough – claiming fat expenses on everything from sink plugs to duck islands, ‘flipping' second homes and renovating flats at the taxpayers' expense. Some of the figures involved are eye watering. The revelations in the Telegraph have thrown the political establishment onto the back foot – creating a wave of righteous anger at the sheer naked greed of our supposed representatives.

No wonder the demand for a General Election is growing daily with over two-thirds wanting an election by the end of the year. David Cameron has thrown his weight behind the call despite his Tory MPs being up to their necks in the same old sleaze that brought down John Major's government. Cameron's only saving grace is that Gordon Brown has had an even worse few weeks, as Cabinet Minister after Cabinet Minister has been exposed with fingers in the expenses till. And while many expect this kind of behaviour from Tory grandees they rightly remember that New Labour came to power on a promise to clean up Westminster politics.We didn't expect them to 'clean up' on their expenses!

Yet we have seen 12 New Labour years of money grubbing by MPs sitting in a Parliament that has time and again proved itself utterly useless. Our MPs have had their snouts so deeply in the trough that they failed to notice or stop an illegal war. While those same MPs were busy ‘flipping' their second homes they overlooked the bankers pilling up their own bonuses, gambling the future of the our jobs and homes on ever more obscure ‘financial instruments'.

The truth is that Parliament while being financially flush is politically bankrupt. We need fundamental root and branch reform. A General Election that stuffs a unreformed Parliament with hundreds of new Tory MPs will simply give them time to come up with new and more ingenious ways of raking in the cash. And a parliament elected on first-past-the post may enshrine a Tory majority for a generation – one in which austerity will rule as Cameron and Co attempt to make the majority of us pay for the economic crisis.

The case of electoral reform has never been stronger than it is today. Unless and until MPs truly fear the wrath of their electors then the room for sleaze and incompetence remains. The case for a proportional voting system is now overwhelming. Respect will be adding our voices to this call over the coming months. We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to use this political crisis to extract real change from our discredited leaders. But if progressive forces are to have an impact on the current situation then we also need to raise our game for the General Election – an election which must be called by summer 2010

It was against this background that the National Council of Respect met on Saturday 23 rd May. After a wide-ranging debate we resolved to attempt a much larger electoral challenge than previously planned. We would like to stand candidates in many more seats, where MPs have been found to have their betrayed the trust of the electorate.

Respect may be a small party but we have a big reputation as a party of action. Respect members and supporters threw themselves into the Viva Palestina aid convoy earlier this year helping to ensure its success in taking aid to Gaza.

And as well as a part of action we are also one of principle which expects high standards of MPs. George Galloway voted in Parliament for full disclosure of expenses and allowances in July 2008. When the government said it would take legal action to prevent disclosure of MPs' allowances and expenses, George Galloway wrote to the Speaker of the House demanding to be excluded from the legal action.

George Galloway does not claim the second homes allowance, anything on the so-called John Lewis list or any travel expenses.

So we will now be starting a process of selecting candidates to stand in both the Westminster and council elections next year. In some areas we have already selected candidates but we wish to broaden our electoral challenge to many more seats. We are asking members (and the many supporters whom we wish to become members) to consider standing in the elections for Respect. Already we have people coming forward who wish to raise the cause of peace, justice, equality at the ballot box.

We will need many more. We will need an army of volunteers – to raise the funds, knock on doors, and sign up new members and supporters. Respect intends to be part of the progressive challenge to the politics of ‘business as usual'. Respect was formed because we believed there needed to be an alternative to the three main parties of privatisation and war. The case for that alternative has never been stronger. Can you help us?

To join Respect (membership costs £10/£5 per year) please visit

To make a donation to our General Election fighting fund please visit

If you think you would be a suitable candidate to stand for Respect in a Westminster or local council election please visit and fill in the initial information form online

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