Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I found the following review online for a book that is going to be released at any moment; it sounds promising as it is a feminist treatise that declaims the sexualization and objectification of women as relates to their most contested site: the female body. Just as modesty serves to make a woman's body truly her own, in the modern world there are forces that would seek to exploit a woman's worth only through the lens of sex. Should this book become available in my area, I do look forward to perusing it :)

"Living Dolls, by Natasha Walter (Virago). This long-awaited book from the author of The New Feminism, who is also a leading campaigner on behalf of women refugees, promises to offer a rallying cry for the post-feminist era – an age when hard-won liberties are being sacrificed to a market-driven, sexualised vision of what women are today."

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